Pierfrancesco Fagiani
Pool Specialist Consultant

Let us be clear

Today, more than ever, the topic of cleaning and hygiene is topical and of great interest.

Although we have already talked in the past about some of the main sterilization systems, today we will deepen the topic by focusing on the options that allow the sterilization of the pool water without the use of chlorine.



Many people associate the idea of ​​chlorine in water with something negative and the bad smell it gives off. The topic is very broad and has many facets. In the case of a swimming pool, it must always be borne in mind that the use of chlorine guarantees a high disinfectant power and offers a certain stability in daily use over time. From the 1980s until a few years ago, people often experienced the presence of chlorine in the water by attending public swimming pools or playgrounds, often finding themselves immersed in the 'stench' emanating from this product.

The reason why the smell of chlorine is strongly felt is the mismanagement of its introduction and control in the water; if this management is done correctly this problem usually does not arise.

Even those who own a salt or magnesium control unit, should not be under the illusion that they do not have a certain percentage of chlorine in the water, since in these cases the salt or magnesium are broken down into hypochlorous acid (which is nothing more than a chlorine). There are some differences between the salt control unit and the exclusively chlorine one, differences mainly related to the practicality of use, but not even a salt sterilization excludes the presence of chlorine in the water.

Finally, always remember that a minimum percentage of chlorine is also used to sterilize the water in the normal home aqueduct.


Yes, it is possible.

Even if the use of chlorine, if done correctly according to certain rules, is not harmful to the person, certainly the possibility of sterilizing the water without any presence of chlorine (and therefore the presence of a chemical substance) is an advantageous achievement and important achieved thanks to the advancement of technology in recent years.

Since we always try to be at the forefront and offer the best to our customers, it is with pleasure that we enter the subject of the new frontiers of swimming pool sterilization.

Consideriamo questo: la sabbia trattiene impurità fino a 40/60 micron (micron = un millesimo di millimetro). Materiali come vetro, poliestere, diatomee ed altri, trattengono impurità fino a 2/3 micron. E’ quindi scientificamente provato che anche materiale organico piccolissimo (tipo batteri e virus) può essere trattenuto dal filtro in questo modo, rendendo possibile una sterilizzazione “no cloro”, che ricordiamo essere un po’ più delicata, dal punto di vista della gestione, rispetto a quella con il cloro.

Oltre a ciò, una performance di filtrazione così elevata, determina anche una lucentezza e brillantezza dell’acqua molto più marcata e da questo punto di vista ha un gran valore perché alla fine anche l’occhio vuole la sua parte.



Here are the main chlorine-free systems:

  • Ozone
  • UV rays
  • Oxygen
  • Copper

For each of them you could write an article, but let's say some basic things:

  • The ozone and UV systems are totally chlorine-free and are very powerful. The best performing equipment kills 99% of bacteria, viruses and the like. There is a BUT: they only sterilize the water that comes out of the filter. By not injecting any type of disinfectant into the pool, you are forced to use some other system (such as oxygen) to deal with bacteria, algae and the like that proliferate in the pool but do not go into the recirculation system and therefore into the filter. All life forms try to survive and this also applies to viruses and bacteria that can develop strange strategies to do so, such as forming colonies near the accessories in the pool (vents, corners, lights, etc.) or 'sticking'. to the walls forming a slippery biofilm, thus avoiding being sucked into the water recirculation system.
  • The copper treatment is a very effective system that has a double function. In fact, the water is sterilized in a special control unit, before exiting the filter, thanks to a hydrolysis process while the water in the tank is sterilized by the electrolysis of copper.
  • Oxygen is a natural treatment that however requires close supervision since it is less aggressive than chemical disinfectants. It is not recommended to use it alone and it is recommended to use it together with the above systems in order to have a more effective sterilization and without unexpected events.



It depends on several factors.

The variables to consider to understand which system is best to adopt for your pool are the following:

  • Indoor pool or outdoor pool
  • Size of the pool
  • Frequency of use
  • Desired average temperature
  • Period of use
  • How patient you are in carrying out the maintenance operations required by these alternative systems
  • The budget available for this aspect of the pool



I would say that hypothetically the answer is yes. But certainly one of the advantages of the infinity pool is to ensure better water recirculation and a shorter stay in the water of debris and dirt, which means less proliferation of bacteria and viruses in the pool. This is one of the fundamental reasons why making an infinity pool is so much better.


Very. Different and more modern materials than the classic sand (or quartzite) are absolutely a must if you want to approach the "no chlorine" discourse.

Let's consider this: sand retains impurities up to 40/60 microns (microns = one thousandth of a millimeter). Materials such as glass, polyester, diatoms and others, retain impurities up to 2/3 microns. It is therefore scientifically proven that even very small organic material (such as bacteria and viruses) can be retained by the filter in this way, making possible a "no chlorine" sterilization, which we remember to be a little more delicate, from the point of view of management. compared to that with chlorine.

In addition to this, such a high filtration performance also determines a much more marked luster and brilliance of the water and from this point of view it is of great value because in the end the eye also wants its part.



You certainly can't choose by yourself. It is as if I pretend to know how to do your job. It is clear that there is much more to know; this article is intended only to give a general idea and to answer the question that customers ask themselves.

During our  Pool Professional Consulting® we will see together which system best suits your pool, your needs and your desires and we will go into each of these factors in depth to choose the best solution for you. A personalized analysis and a specific study will be made to leave nothing to chance.

As always: if you want to play it safe, rely on the number one!


P.S .: this article refers to private pools. For public swimming pools (municipal swimming pools) and those of hospitality activities (restaurants, gyms, hotels, etc.) the law requires that there is a certain amount of chlorine in the pool to protect the health of bathers. Even in this case, it is still possible to develop innovative solutions that limit the use of chlorine.