Pierfrancesco Fagiani
Pool Specialist Consultant

Who is making money thanks to the virus? Not us!

INTRODUCTION: as most of the people out there, I am strictly following the government instructions. I’m home for most of the time, I only go out for buying some food and of course I don’t even go to the showroom to work. As anyone else, I really admire the doctors, medical staff, nurses and everyone is committing to handle this emergency situation and to be honest I wouldn’t like to be in their shoes.

Some days ago I wrote an article about a legitimate question: “is it the right time for buying a pool?”

I wrote the article first of all to ask this question to myself and to analyze the situation.

For those of you who didn’t read the article yet, here it is:


Of course to talk about pools and virus in this awful moment may seem ‘weird’. It may seem almost offensive for some people really struggling out there. Maybe you too thought something similar. Some of our audience and customer (just a few ones actually) resented and reproached me, telling me I should be ashamed to use this virus as a marketing tool.

Before getting into the point, I ask myself: in addition to get hit by the irreparable economic consequences of this situation, should I also stop communicating? Should I be ashamed of saying that my firm offers a product that makes people’s lives at home better?

For sure the situation is complicated and deserves to be deepened. It is not my purpose to change people’s minds. I would only like to add some thoughts for those who want to go deeper into the topic.

Coming back to the fact of “using the virus for marketing purposes”, there is someone thinking this is a way to take advantage of a disgrace”.

The coronavirus is tearing down entire nations, firms, governments, economies and is hitting really hard also our firm and our sector. In the article I simply tried to understand how what we offer may, somehow, in this situation, help or facilitate people’s lives. Here’s why I linked to the virus, and those who read it all with all odd understood what I am talking about. And, to not be a hypocrite, I also state that I hope for sure that people will not let this virus hit and morally defeat them and that they just stay optimistic about life.

This situation may cause tough consequences on our economy. I want you to remember that under this point of view, the healthcare is paid with taxes, which are paid only if someone works and produces enough to pay them.

During these days we hear about some news regarding the problems of producing so many face masks as it seems like it is difficult to get the proper materials, as some criminals took advantage of the situation providing some low-quality ones. We also heard about some news regarding the outrageous price increase of these masks by the same firms producing them. To not talk about the financial speculator taking advantage of the stock market.

You see, THESE are the real one making money thanks to the virus! Not us! We are a local company employing and feeding more than 10 families, that is trying to not lose the optimism and to handle the situation we all are going through!

So I want to keep saying this. The answer to the question: “Is it right to buy a pool during these times? ". One more time, ABSOLUTELY YES.

I reaffirm that the house is for real a valuable good for Italian people and the pool may actually be a great tool to enjoy the house, the piece of paradise and relax in this world full of turmoil, at its best and in the safest way.

I shall conclude by saying that everyone should make an effort to make this world a better place by both big and small actions, and to enjoy life, to create beautiful things… this is a way to make this environment a better place for our loved ones.

I’ll keep the clients updated on the possibility of making video-calls.